Unconformity with your instructions, we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
Where the assured brings an action for a total loss and the evidence proves only a partial loss, he may, unless the policy otherwise provides, recover for a partial loss. 被保险人提出全损诉讼请求,而证据证明仅为部分损失的,除保险单另有规定外,他可以索赔部分损失。
Compromised andor arranged andor constructive total loss of vessel only 仅保船舶协定和或协商和或推定全损险
A total loss may be either an actual total loss, or a constructive total loss. Compromised andor arranged andor constructive total loss of vessel only 全损可以为实际全损,或者推定全损。仅保船舶协定和或协商和或推定全损险
Under the current foreign trade accounting system, however, the total profit and loss does not reflect the foreign exchange quota value settled by foreign trade enterprises, and this only increases the unrealness of the profit and loss recorded on financial statements of enterprises. 但在现行外贸会计制度下,企业结存外汇额度的价值却不能反映在盈亏总额内,从而增加企业财会报表上盈亏的不真实性。